About Navonmeshi


A Healthy Body & Peaceful Mind.

Pranic Healing Navonmeshi

Since our energy body or aura & the visible physical body merges in such a case, if one gets affected, the other might get affected too. The science of Pranic Healing is based on the concept of healing the energy body or the human aura. Pranic Healing is a no-touch healing therapy. The two basic principles of Pranic Healing are cleansing and energizing. Cleansing means removing the diseased energy from the health aura & energizing means adding prana or life energy to the affected area.

Healing at Navonmeshi will help you open the inner world to discover the nature of your soul so you can learn how to release old emotional baggage and create positive changes in all aspects of your life of Your Personal, Professional, Emotional, Spiritual. Since we need to learn the existence of energetic seeds in the aura and how they affect our emotional and physical lives, the DNA recorders contain the "Blue Print" for the formation of our subtle and physical bodies.

Your health and wellness are much more than just the condition of your body. Take your health into your own hands with a holistic approach to your life. At Navonmeshi we will show you the wisdom behind holistic healing, why we need it, and how to incorporate holistic healing into our daily lives.

Healing at Navonmeshi will help you enlighten as to

Who you are?

What do you want?

What is the purpose of your life?

What sort of contribution do you want to make?

What are your unique skills?

Who are your heroes?

What is a meaningful relationship?

What do you expect from yourself and what do you give?

Healing at Navonmeshi helps you to overcome all these problems through awareness and healing. The term ‘Healing’ means Wholesome that makes us complete in all aspects of our lives to develop physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually.

Navonmeshi Health Aspect


It helps to heal from various physical ailments, acute or chronic Fever, Headache and Shoulder pain, Gastrointestinal ailments (diarrhea, constipation, liver ailments), respiratory ailments like sinusitis, cough, Lung infection, Asthma, Cancer, Kidney & bladder ailment & Arthritis.

Navonmeshi Emotional and Relationship Aspect


It helps in achieving inner peace, calmness, increases the aura manifold. The energy body becomes brighter & denser. There is a pulsating rhythm making you calm and peaceful. It makes you more sensitive to subtle energies to help increase your awareness level.

Navonmeshi Mind Aspect


It helps to develop your mental faculties. In case you are mentally exhausted, the self-healing technique energizes your brain. It enhances your decision-making power along with concentration and memory. It will help in building positive thought forms and emotions that are mainly responsible for holistic growth.

Navonmeshi Spiritual Aspect


It helps you connect with the almighty through your Spiritual Chord. It teaches you to make your spiritual chord bigger. Healing uses combined effects of Yog, Su-Jok & Pranic Healing in transforming the people's body, mind & soul.